We will gather at Bort Meadow, Anthony Chabot Regional Park, 20 minutes from Oakland and 40 minutes from San Francisco. There is no address for the meadow entrance. The entrance is on Redwood Road, 4 miles south of the intersection of Redwood Road and Skyline Blvd. Directions are below. The gate to the Meadow must remain locked throughout the day. We will have volunteers at the gate to let you drive in. If there is no one at the gate, park your car and walk down to the Meadow and find a volunteer to let you in.

Exclusive use
Although WDI has reserved the Meadow for the weekend, we do NOT have exclusive use of the entire meadow. We might see people hiking through the meadow during the weekend. In the past this has not happened frequently and has not been a problem.
The weather varies greatly at the Meadow at all times of the year. Be prepared for both hot, sunny California days and cool, foggy days and nights. Bring both your sweater and shorts! You will want a warm blanket and comforter in case of cold nights.
What to Bring
These are suggestions to help you pack for the week-end. You can download this document to use as a checklist when you’re getting ready.
“What to Bringâ€
* Your tent
* Foam sleeping pad
* Pillow
* Sleeping bag
* Lantern
* Food for all meals you plan to be there
* Snacks for between meals
* Ice chest
* Camp stove and fuel or charcoal or wood for cooking
* Pots, pans and eating utensils
* Matches
* WDI will provide all the wood for the central campfire.
* Your drum(s) or percussion instrument(s)!
* A comfortable chair or stool for drumming.
* Tape recorder and tapes or other recording device with extra batteries, a notebook and pens
* Tape or band aids for your fingers – plain white adhesive is good.
* Refillable water bottle
* Prescription Medications
* Wash cloth
* Toiletries, Soap* Sunscreen (#15 +)
* Flashlight
* Changes of clothes* Hat and refillable spray bottle.
* Sturdy shoes for hiking
* Warm jacket
* Raincoat
* Day Pack
* Alarm clock for waking up on time and watches to keep track of class schedules throughout the day. Cell phones do not work at Bort Meadow.
* Still Camera (no videos please and no flash)
* If you are hiking, extra shoes and socks
* Cash or checkbook for teachers selling their products, vendors, and massage
Women Drummers International assumes no responsibility for loss of or damage to personal property.
Please do not bring unnecessary items of value. You may want to carry with you or lock in your car any valuables that you must bring.
Video recording is not allowed, so please don’t bring your video camera — and please resist using that great video recorder on your cell phone.
Camp Rules
Camp rules are set forth below. Failure to follow the rules could result in individuals or the group being asked to leave the Meadow and could jeopardize our future use of Bort Meadow.
Parking is limited. Carpooling will be strongly encouraged.
Please, do not leave your vehicle unattended at drop off circle at center of camp. Unload gear quickly then park in the designated parking area. Volunteers will help you move your things when you return from parking.
There can be NO CAMPING in the parking lot area. This includes car camping and RV camping. This is a firm rule set by the Regional Park. Rangers do come out and check, so please plan on camping in and around the Meadow.
For fire reasons there can be no private cooking or campfires at campsites. Â Camp fires are only at communal kitchen area or in the designated area on the hill.
We are able to drum outdoors until 10 pm. Under Park rules, quiet time is from 10pm to 7am. After 10pm we can have fireside chats, readings, jokes, singing, and story telling
Bring only commercially purchased and certified uncontaminated firewood to limit spread of Sudden Oak Death Fungus.
The following are not allowed on the premises:
* illegal substances
* fireworks,
* pets
* weapons of any kind
* alcohol
* amplified sound audible over 25 feet away
* generators.
When smoking outdoors, please deposit butts in appropriate containers, and NOT in trash cans or the campfire.
Check out time is 7 pm on Sunday. Please vacate premises by that time and leave the site as found.
Driving Directions
Directions coming Westbound on Interstate 580
* U.S. 580 W to CA 13N, exit 26A towards Berkeley.
* Exit Carson Street toward Redwood Road.
* LEFT onto Mountain Blvd.
* RIGHT onto Redwood Road. Cross Skyline Ave and drive 4 more miles. Bort Meadow Staging Area is on the right. Look out for balloons and signs.
* The gate to the Meadow will be locked. There will be WDI volunteers to let you in. If there is no one at the gate, park your car in the upper lot and walk down to the Meadow to find a volunteer to open the gate for you.
Directions coming Eastbound on Interstate 580*
* U. S. 580E to 35th Avenue exit in Oakland.
* LEFT on 35th Avenue. 35th Avenue becomes Redwood Road. Continue on Redwood Road and cross Skyline Ave. Drive 4 more miles and Bort Meadow Staging Area is on the right. Look out for balloons and signs.
* The gate to the Meadow is locked. There will be WDI volunteers to let you in. If there is no one at the gate, park your car and walk down to the Meadow to find a volunteer to open the gate for you.
Directions coming Southbound on Highway 13
* Highway 13S to Redwood Road exit in Oakland.
* LEFT on Redwood Road. Cross Skyline Ave and drive 4 more miles. Bort Meadow Staging Area is on the right. Look out for balloons and signs.
* The gate to the Meadow will be locked. There will be WDI volunteers to let you in. If there is no one at the gate, park your car and walk down to the Meadow to find a volunteer to open the gate for you.
For directions from a specific location, enter information in Mapquest or Google Maps as follows: Your starting location in the “From†box and “Redwood Road and Skyline Blvd, Oakland, CA†in the “To†box. From Redwood and Skyline, go 4 miles south on Redwood Road. Bort Meadow is on the right. Look for balloons and signs.